I was crazy-thrilled to have a 3-minute feature posted on July 9, 2022 of my work on SOML (Story of My Life), part of the Buzzfeed family of social media channels.

The feature included posts which included my own work as well as some of the posts I've shared of other artists including Natasha Beshencovksy, whose work was included in my Fall 2021 Buckalter Estate Sale., Tim O'Dell and Lauren Delaney, both of whom created works for my holiday decoration project at Nybelwyck Hall, the fantastical 24 room mini mansion at the Hudson River Museum in Yonkers, N.Y.

You can watch the full video here:
A BIG thank you to Buzzfeed Video and to the folks over at Graphic Pandit for the awesome edit – and to all the very talented artists, makers, collectors and enthusiasts who continue to delight, excite and inspire me to do what I do each and every little day and encourage me to always #FindTheJoyInMiniatures.
#dollhouse #dollhouseminiatures #mini #miniatures #bestinminiature #tinythings #artsandcrafts #makersgonnamake #Buzzfeed #SOML #promotion #estatesale #art #artauction #feature #buzzfeedvideo
Until Next Time Thank you for being a part of the
D. Thomas Miniatures Community!