A very popular subset in the miniatures world is scale gardens/conservatories. One of my all time favorite artitsts is Lady Jane who does absolutely stunning garden scenes. Funny, the same holds true for the category of Gardening (full size!) and interest in creating real gardens and scenes in miniature using live plants and flowers.

Each year, the city of Philadelphia host the world’s oldest and largest indoor flower show presented by the Philadelphia Horticultural Society. The PHS hosts over 265,000 horticultural and flower enthusiasts and features large scale gardens ranging from elaborate landscaped displays to garden club and individual entries of a prized horticultural specimens The theme this year is “Celebrate the Movies,” with inspiration from the films of the Disney and Pixar studios.

The PHS also hosts “Miniature Settings,” a celebration of the miniature garden art form. Miniaturists, miniature gardeners and other miniature aficianados submit miniature setting based on the show’s overall theme which will be judged for miniature craftsmanship, horticulture (sizing, grooming) design synthesis and distinction. Each miniature scene is placed in the Miniature Display Wall to be viewed by thousands of admirers throughout show.

This year I'm excited to be bringing the PHS experience to those who cannot attend! Join me live on the World Wide Web on Monday, March 2nd from 10am to 3pm when I'll be hosting and posting directly from the flower show. I'll be sending out live tweets, facebook posts and Instagramming directly from the venue and conducting interviews with event participants and artists (to be shared later in the week!)
See you there!