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Behind the Scenes...

St Leger Miniature Automata

Just for fun, here are six awesome behind the scenes shots from Tim Burton's 2005 animation film Corpse Bride. The movie received one Oscar nomination and stars Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter and features some really incredible miniatures!

Bill Robertson Miniatures

We love the weathered red door with medieval hinges, the back wall with exposed stones and that hanging lantern!

Hereditary Film Miniatures

Just at day at the office (incredible lighting!)

A History of Miniatures Presentation

The chandelier almost looks full size!

That brass bed and desk!

Scratch-Built Old School Miniature Chair

This is another view of the bedroom....oh the magic of the movies and illusion of looks like the floor was pained to look like wood!

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D. Thomas Miniatures is a retail and gallery destination featuring top quality collectibles including 1/12th scale structure, furniture and accessories. The concept, designed to appeal to collectors, crafters and enthusiasts was created, in part, to raise awareness of miniatures as a decorative art form and to introduce the discipline not only to a new generation but to those who may just be discovering it! The gallery space showcases work in miniature by well-known artists from all over the world.

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