Welcome to the latest WEEkly Round Up of news and reports from the MiniWorld! (Photo: D. Thomas Miniatures for our upcoming estate auction!)
Our First Estate Auction!
We're crazy-excited for our first online auction scheduled for Saturday, October 20 1pm EST on Invaluable.com. We're preparing three awesome estates for sale which will include artisan furniture, dolls, toys, pottery and other scale miniatures. Registration and bidding begins early next week. Check our website and social media channels for updates. (Photo: hand-painted Artisan Boston Rocker by "JS")
More BadAss Miniatures: Cold Spring NY
We were excited to present our BadAss Miniatures exhibition at the recent Guild Show in Hartford CT. It was great to see old friends and meet some new ones! Next Stop: a limited assortment of BadAss Miniatures will be on view at our Cold Spring, New York Pop Up location at The Shoppes at 103 Main Street through January 15, 2019!
There is a Thief Among Us
We're sad to report that a number of miniatures were stolen at the Guild Show last weekend including the priceless violin pictured above created by Sergio Macedo Netto. If you you have information leading to the safe return of these items, please contact The Guild or Sergio directly at sergiomnetto@gmail.com. #Sad
"The Miniaturist" Begins on PBS!
The Miniaturist, based on the best selling novel by Jesse Burton, is a hit! In this video, team Mulvany and Rogers shares the miniatures created or commissioned for the series, now showing on Masterpiece PBS.
SquintBox Goes Quarterly!
Our surprise assortment of hand-crafted "minis in the mail" will start shipping quarterly in November - just in time for the holidays! For more information on how to order your own box 'o minis, head over to MySquintBox.com to sign up for details. #Fun
> L. Delaney brings a new challenge, filled with excitement, to the MiniWorld... just in time for Halloween! More at LadyDelaney.com
> This BIGature from Weta Workshop takes the mega miniature to a whole new awesome level! Take a look.
> New work by miniaturist Isaac Cordal is featured in a new exhibition in an abandoned convent in Spain. From: Design Boom.
We hope you enjoyed this WEEkly update. Be sure to share this post with other miniacs and have them subscribe here so they never miss an update!
D. Thomas Miniatures is a retail and gallery destination featuring top quality collectibles including 1/12th scale structure, furniture and accessories. The concept, designed to appeal to collectors, crafters and enthusiasts was created, in part, to raise awareness of miniatures as a decorative art form and to introduce the discipline not only to a new generation but to those who may just be discovering it! The gallery space showcases work in miniature by well-known artists from all over the world.